
30 Jan 2011

Inspirational Sayings

Today is Martyr’s day and it is observed to honour all those who gave up there life in service of the nation. The date was chosen as it marks the 1948 martyrdom of the father of the nation Mahatma Gandhi

It has been a while since I watched or read anything about Gandhi, and while searching for a few of his inspirational words and sayings I got to this beautiful poster designed by Francesca Ramos. I am going to print one out and place it somewhere close to my desk; you can download one for yourself here.

Until next time.

27 Jan 2011

Roit of Color

These young school children were participating in the Republic day celebrations this year. I found all the colors in this picture from BBC so cheerful and uplifting on a cold morning.

21 Jan 2011



Friends, family, fans and lovers of all things functional and fashionable. Welcome to Leftover Studio, a place to visit when you feel like some inspiration, to share your thoughts about anything or on my projects and become a part of my world. Here I will share my bits and rants, and would like to hear back from you.

Until next time.