
6 Nov 2011

New Machine - Thank you Everyone

I have never owned a high end industrial sewing machine, the one I have is a domestically manufactured machine and it works just fine with stitching leather or fabric. I had been struggling to sew thick layers of leather and inner tubes on my machine and it was a hit and miss. Sometimes it would sew just fine and the other times it created problems, and I certainly did waste a lot of time with it.
They did not go for a cheaper Chinese brand but this Korean machine
This holiday season my wife n family got together and contributed money to get me a new Industrial sewing machine, and that too a walking foot. I am so happy and blessed that folks around me are thinking about me and they have put in a big chunk of money to equip my studio with proper equipment and tools. Thank you everyone from the bottom of my heart.

Nice and clean - just out of the box

High capacity motor n walking foot mechanism
I did give it a short try once it was set up and it just zipped through four layers of thick hard leather like a hot knife slicing butter.

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