
5 Apr 2011

At the end of First Quarter

Looking back I can see that I have made so much progress on my goals in the last three months. Though it has been slow and frustrating at times, but when I look back at the whole picture it seems that quite a lot has been achieved and a lot more could have been achieved if I knew everything earlier that I know now.

Determination and information are critical to a path of success, when I started out I was determined but the scope of my knowledge was limited to the production process of my creations. Even that is questionable now as I found out that sourcing materials is not straight forward; though you may know a supplier but he might not be interested in selling small quantities to you.

It certainly helps if you knew someone who has already done it and been there, but that is not going to be a reality for a lot of people including me. I do get information and tips from people but not everyone is helpful or wants to share his knowledge.

I am moving well on some aspects, I have found some amazing materials, I have some designs and samples ready and am working on a few. Surely, I am not where I should have ideally been but I am happy to note that I am not at the back either, but am WAYYYYYYY ahead of where I was and that is a great feeling.

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